Gender Based Violence Raises Cases of Teenage Pregnancies
May 27, 2024
Speaker Annet Anita Among wants laws implemented to end Teenage Pregnancies
June 13, 2024

By Rose Kasigwa

Leaders at all levels in northern Uganda are launching a campaign drive to end the escalating numbers of teenage pregnancies in the country.

Reports from the local authorities in Terego district, in the west Nile part of the country tops the list with highest number of teenage pregnancies at the national level in the year 2024 with 2,203 cases of teenage pregnancies, 223 cases of child marriage and 68 cases of forced marriages.

Sunday Ayikoru, a community leader of Omugo Sub County in Terego district, during one of his school visits advised the teenage girls to say no to early sex and concentrate on studies until completion. “Look at me as a leader; I would not have reached at this level as one holding a position of district Vice chairperson if I had indulged in early sex”. Said Sunday Ayikoru.

Maureen Osoru, the woman member of parliament for Arua city has urged learners to have respect for their bodies.  She has cautioned them to avoid sexual relationship with their peers until they have completed their studies.

“During my school time I didn’t allow boys to touch me until I completed education because I had targets to fulfill” said Maureen Osoru.

Rose Obiga, the woman member of parliament Terego district told learners to determine their future in their day today activities. She called upon the young girls to look at the women in leadership positions and learn from them to help them work hard for their future.

Various reports from district authorities have indicated escalating numbers of teenage pregnancies in Rhino refugee settlement camp, located in the districts of Madi- Okollo and Terego in North western Uganda, the camp hosts refugees from South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo.

The refugees camp leaders revealed that in the 12 months of the year 2023,

334 cases of Gender Based violence were recorded. The sources revealed that, 55 cases involved teenage girls, 263 were young women and only 16 were men.

Arua City Community development officer Judith Drateru revealed that as of December 2023, they had reported cases of teenage pregnancies and defilement to a tune of 418, which she said might only be 20 percent of what is happening in the community.

“I call upon all stake holders to join hands and support the victims as well as save those who have not been affected. This should be done by vigorously sensitizing them on the dangers of teenage pregnancies”. Said Judith Drateru.

The challenge of teenage pregnancies was worsened by the COVID 19 lock down in 2020 and 2021.

The Vice President Jessica Alupo in her report to parliament as of December, 2021 revealed that Uganda was grappling with 649,955 teenage pregnancies recorded between 2020 and 2021.

Alupo said that out of the number 354,736 were registered in 2020 while 295,219 were registered between January and September 2021. This implied that on average over 32,000 teenage pregnancies were recorded per month.

Among the districts which registered high cases of teenage pregnancies included; Kamuli 6,535, Mayuge 6,205 cases, Mukono 5,545,  Wakiso 10,439, Rakai 2,711, Luwero 4,545 and Kampala 8,460.

Others included Oyamu district which registered 6,449 cases of teenage pregnancies, Lira district 4,697, Arua 4,705, Yumbe, 3,973, Kasese 7,319, Kyenjojo 4,341, Rakai 2,711 and Luwero 4,545 cases.

Government institutions and Non Governmental Organizations continue to report an increasing trend of teenage pregnancies in the country calling for a concerted effort to stop the vice.